
Tips for Spot Cleaning Carpet Stains

Pet Stains– Clean up any solids and blot up any liquids as much as possible. Sprinkle baking soda on the area and leave for 10 minutes. this helps neutralize odors. Spray the area with distilled white vinegar or a commercial enzyme cleaner and vacuum the area.

Red Wine or Grape Juice– Blot up as much of the liquid as you can. Mix warm water and some dish soap and clean the affected area as quickly as you can as this stain can set in pretty fast.

Body Fluids or Vomit– Clean up as much as you can. Then, take towels and blot the area. Sprinkle corn starch or baking soda generously in the are of the stain. Leave it to sit for about 20 minutes and then vacuum well.

Mud and Dirt– If it is mud, let it dry first. This seems counter-productive, but it will be best. When it is dry, vacuum the area well. You may still have some mud left behind. If this is the case, use warm water and detergent to gently clean it up. Let that dry and vacuum again.

Milk or Ice Cream– Dairy presents some issues in that it can leave behind an awful odor if not cleaned properly. To do this, blot up as much as possible. Then, make a solution of dish soap and warm water and scrub the area. Sprinkle the area with cornstarch and allow to dry. Vacuum the area and repeat if necessary.

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