
5 tips for cleaning carpet


Cleaning tasks can be reassuring and even therapeutic for some, and a hell for others. However, one thing to agree on is: How hard it can be to clean carpets.

When doing the toilet, we always make sure that everything is impeccable, however, stains on the carpets can make this image ruined. In addition, carpets can absorb and keep all kinds of particles and substances spilled into them. Therefore, keeping them clean especially if you have children or pets in the house, it is essential to get rid of bacteria and bad smells.


That’s why we introduce you to:



It is important that the entire carpet is free of dust and particles before starting to clean it with liquids or powders, as otherwise it gets even more dirty. Vacuum from front to back first, and then from left to right, several times until you make sure there is no more garbage residue left on the surface.



When it comes to cleaning carpets, soap and water are not enough. Especially if the stains are quite visible and have been accumulating for quite some time. Soap and water could spread these stains even further to make the fabric penetrate further, so it is preferable to use specialized carpet products.


Liquid carpet soap can take a long time to dry, and if the carpet stays wet, it’s much more likely to get dirty again and you have to repeat the process. In contrast, powdered soaps act much faster and more efficiently. You just need to sprinkle the area generously, let it rest depending on the stain. Sometimes 30 minutes is enough, but it is recommended that, if possible, you leave the soap powder for hours, as this softens the stains even more. Then, re-pass the vacuum cleaner to remove the dust.


If you only have one liquid soap, it’s important not to over-use or moisten the surface you’re looking to clean too much. To use a liquid soap, add only the stained areas of the carpet and rub it with a hard bristle brush. Let the carpet dry completely and suck in excess soap once it has dried.


If you don’t have any specialized carpet cleaners, you can use the following homemade tricks:


    SALT: Salt is a good alternative to disinfect carpets and absorb dirt. Just add a layer that covers the entire stain and let it rest for several hours. If you can roll it up, better, so that it penetrates more easily. Afterwards, just suck in the salt residues as you would with the soap powder.


    WHITE VINEGAR: This is the best ally in case your carpet has a bad smell. When the vinegar dries it becomes odorless, absorbing the stains and odors left in the tissues. Just try to lower it with water before applying it to the stain to prevent damage.


    SODIUM BICARBONATE: Baking soda is the most effective resource you can turn to if your carpet is stained with difficult substances such as coffee or red wine. Sprinkle a generous portion of baking soda on the stain and let it work for a few hours. Then remove the excess with a vacuum cleaner and if a slight stain still persists, you can remove it with just a little liquid soap.


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At B&C ProfessionalCarpet Care , we are professionals in keeping your home and office space (furniture, floors, carpets) completely clean. We invite you to contact us and learn more about our services.